RPG-Related Links
Roleplaying Links
- GAMA - Homepage of the Game
Manufacturers Association
- The Great RPG Archive - An large
archive of role gaming material
- RPG Host - A collection of roleplaying
news, sites, archives, and links.
Net - A
huge collection of roleplaying news, reviews, and links.
Detailed reviews of almost every game system or
supplement ever published can be found here. Has links to
practically everything related to the gaming industry.
Publisher Links
- Chaosium - Publishers of some of the most
highly-regarded games in the industry including Call of
Cthulhu, Elric!, and Pendragon
- Columbia Games - Publishers of Harnmaster
- Far Future - Offers reprints
of the classic GDW games, notably Traveller and Twilight
- Green Ronin - Publishers of some of the finest
D20 supplements, notably the Legions of Hell
- Hogshead - Publishers of Warhammer Fantasy
Role-Play (WFRP) and Baron Munchausen.
- Mongoose - Publishers of D20 games &
suppliments, notably Judge Dredd and Slaine
- Palladium Games - Publishers of the popular Rifts
game. Also Palladium Fantasy, Ninjas & Superspies,
and Robotech.
- Steve Jackson Games - Publishers of Car Wars, GURPS,
and In Nomine
- White Wolf - Publishers of the World of
Darkness series of games: Vampire the Masqurade, Werewolf
the Apocalypse, Wraith the Oblivion.
- Wizards of the Coast/TSR - The 600 pound gorilla of the
gaming industry. WOTC is the publisher of some of the
most popular Collectible Card Games (CCG) like Magic: The
Gathering. WOTC is also the current owner of TSR, one of
gaming's largest publishers of roleplaying games and
related material (Dungeons & Dragons, Alternity,
Marvel Superheroes, and Star Wars).
Retailer Links
Home . Alternity . Legend of the
5 Rings . Warhammer FRP . Other.